Mitchell® Golf Master Class Full Again

Mitchell® Golf Master Class Full Again

Mitchell® Golf Equipment Institute completes another Master Club Fitting School

Mitchell® Golf Equipment Institute (MGEI) completed another Master Club Performance Fitting Technology School on August 18th. Just like each class before it, students came from all around the world to fill each seat. The Master School continues to be a huge success in the MGEI repertoire because it combines every aspect of club repair, fitting and performance into one accelerated curriculum. The MGEI expects to host 10 Master Schools in 2013.The class was led by Larry Baldridge, Director of Business Development & Education, with assistance from Tom Mitchell, CEO, and Ed Mitchell, Chairman. The following students were in attendance: Dennis Dungan of Clinton Township, MI; Mike Blakely of Niceville, FL; James Krnc of Dade City, FL; Nicholas Wanna of Sioux Falls, SD; Steven Wheeler of Phillipsburg, OH; Jon Bullas of Sarasota, FL; George Knesley of Sarasota, FL; Andreas Schweidler of Erpfendorf, Austria, John & Terry Portemont of Andalusia, AL and Brad Fellinger of Jupiter, FL.

The next Master School starts on October 8th, 2012 and seats are already becoming increasingly limited. Please visit or call 800-437-1314 to register.

About Mitchell® Golf Equipment Institute

Mitchell® Golf conducts the golf industry’s premier training school for trade professionals to learn the proper skills for club performance, repairs and fitting. Mitchell® Golf Equipment Institute offers training schools designed by PGA professionals for industry professionals wanting to enhance their competitive skills. For further information concerning Mitchell® Golf training schools call 800-437-1314 or email


Kyle Pinger, Director of Sales & Marketing
Mitchell Golf Equipment Company
937-436-1314 ext. 114

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