Prepping Your Clubs for the Upcoming Season

Getting golf clubs ready for spring

Prepping Your Clubs for the Upcoming Season

For all of you fellow Northerners, spring is a big deal. We’ve just suffered through snow and ice impeding every facet of our life and cutting winds dropping temperatures into the negatives.

“Why do I live here?” is an annual question every last quarter of the year, but as soon as the ball drops in Times Square, we’re slowly inching our way to green golfing grass. Then we have Sentry Tournament of Champions to give us the itch, convention-center golf shows to scratch it, and finally, The Masters to let us know we’ve made it. Eighty degrees and sunshine in April? Bust out the sticks! “Just kidding— here’s some snow showers,” Mother Nature laughingly proclaims. Regardless of how the weather continues to confuse and tease us, we’re knocking on the door to spring and summer.

My fellow director, Director of Instruction, Joey Sison, always uses analogies in the classroom, likely comparing clubs to cars: New editions every year, the tanking of value off the shelf, maintenance, etc. Just like waxing your car for that summer shine or winter-proofing against frigid temperatures, our bag is an extension of us golf nerds, so we’ll take care of them. Are new sticks for Christmas? Or do you want to revert to older clubs you’ve had success with? However you plan to attack the pins this season, let’s prepare them.

Joey frequently calls it “the oil change.” Your cars get routine maintenance, right? You get an oil change every three, four, or five or so months. They suggest other procedures to keep your car running smoothly in that transaction. Dull wiper blades? Dirty air filter? Busted light? At every X amount of miles comes the rest, whether changing belts, flushing fluids, or rotating tires: That goes for clubs, too! Let’s run through the Mitchell Golf Spec Sheet and ensure we’re 100%. Why would you play at any capacity less?

1. Gripping – Grips are the most extensive repair needed during the season. Most retail giants have golf club regripping‘events’ at a reduced cost to get you ready. Just like changing out worn tires to prevent slipping, sliding, and hydroplaning, new traction will give us the best results throughout the swing. Don’t forget to get sized for your grips, either. Too big or too small of grips can shut the face or leave it open at impact, leaving you to play Hero Golf out of the woods or the thick stuff.

2. Loft and lies machine– The next most extensive repair or modification is right here, and it’s important enough that most pros and low amateurs get their angles checked weekly between tournaments! Think of it this way: when your alignment is off and uncontrolled steering veers you in a direction other than straight, it’s not a good sign, right? Adjust your angles to keep you straight on the road or, in our case, the short grass!

3. Length, frequency, & swing weight scale – What happens when clubs are too long? They’re likely too heavy, softer in flex, and slightly more upright. Too short? Vice versa. The clubs have to be “tuned” to the end user. There’s a reason why Dominic Toretto runs a Charger and not some hot-hatch import. Wait, that franchise is still going?

Are your clubs ready for the season? Follow us all season long on social media to keep your clubs and game sharp.

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