How do you make a favorite tailgating activity for golf? Or use a pair of colored glasses (even a radar) to find your golf ball? There are some crazy golf products here at Mitchell Golf, but we found a few interesting ones. Check them out and tell us what you think!

Chippo: The Glorious Lovechild of Golf and Cornhole

Chippo is the viral new golf game for beach, backyard, tailgate, office, and clubhouse – a patented, mind-blowing mash-up of golf and traditional backyard games! We’ve combined the old fashioned, beer-slugging, tailgate-dominating, sunshine-basking goodness of games like cornhole with the gentlemanly, giddiness-inducing, side-betting beauty of golf.

Don’t be blue:  Golf Ball Finding Glasses

Are you constantly losing golf balls in tall grass and under shady trees? Golf Ball Finding Glasses have a one-piece, tinted blue lens that filters out foliage and grass, making white balls stand out against any dark background. They help you save time, minimize penalty strokes and cut ball losses. And, you’ll be the hero of the day when you spot your buddies’ errant golf balls.

radar golf ball finding system

Radar Golf System. Zero in on that lost ball!

System Details

BPS technology uses advanced electronics to enable the handheld to transmit a specific radio frequency (RF) signal. When this signal reaches a RadarGolfBall, the ball returns a separate specific RF signal. The handheld receiver is tuned to listen for the signal from the ball. An LCD provides visual feedback and an audio tone allows you to hone in on your lost ball. You will receive stronger feedback as you get closer to your ball.

We’re not making any recommendations, but we welcome your comments, let us know what you think below! And we hope to see you out there on the greens soon!

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